Chaosophy 2000:
A Journey to the Healing Edge where Physics meets Psychology
by Graywolf Fred Swinney
Borderline Personality Disorder
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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Autoimmune Disorders (R.A., M.S., Lupus)
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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Anxiety Disorders
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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Psychoactive Substance Abuse Disorders
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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Co-Dependence/Dependent Personality Disorder
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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Chronic Pain Management
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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Eating Disorders
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
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by Rob Kuehn and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
ABSTRACT: Fibromyalgia is a syndrome, difficult to diagnose, which
is psychophysical in nature. Symptoms are numerous, but feature characteristic
tender points and muscular pain, chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances,
and psychological factors. The inflammatory process also produces
chemicals that are known to cause fatigue. Emotional and physical
stress exacerbate symptoms, constricting bloodvessels and amplifying distress,
often to the point of incapacitation. Allopathic treatments help
curb symptoms, but only mask rather than transform psychological or emotional
blocks. Conventional treatment offers no known cure for FM.
Therefore, the goal of treatment is successful symptom management.
The integrative approach of the Consciousness Restructuring Process uses
dreams, feelings, and symptoms to initiate a therapeutic healing journey.
This journey leads past fear-based patterns of consciousness and psychophysical
pain to a deep experience of the restructuring of the existential primal
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and the
Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
ABSTRACT: Leading CFS researcher, Jay A. Goldstein, MD posits an
etiology for CFS in limbic encephalopathy in a dysregulated neuroimmune
network. Thus his allopathic treatment protocols include interventions
in the “bidirectional communication” between the immune and neuroendocrine
systems. This means that CFS can be considered among those syndromes
which respond to Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), through intervention in the
“cross-talk” between the central nervous system and the immune system.
Viral disease can also cause neuropsychological deficits which are amplified
under physical or emotional stress. The limbic system plays a crucial
role in regulatory physiology. The Consciousness Restructuring Process
(CRP) can influence this psychophysical network, through cognitive, behavioral
and attitudinal changes that alter the state of limbic elements.
Nonrestorative, alpha-EEG sleep abnormalities are common in CFS patients.
Nevertheless, most report frequent, vivid dreams and nightmares which can
be used to initiate the therapeutic process.
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and the
Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
ABSTRACT: The alter personalities experienced under dissociation
in Multiple Personality Disorder may form around “strange attractors” in
the psychobiological field of an individual attempting to escape or heal
traumatic stress in a self-organizing way. Generally, “personality
change” is a creative attempt at growth. However, in MPD it leads
to “divided consciousness,” where different aspects of self are isolated
by state-dependent amnesias or trances, mediated by characteristic changes
in neuroimmunologic response.
It is possible that through dissociation, the person is attempting to heal
in a self-organizing way, but the transformative process gets “stuck” at
the classical stage of fragmentation, which then recreates itself through
the dynamics of “infinite nesting” and “self-iteration.” Core psychological
patterns reinforce themselves by filtering sensory information about the
world and self, and automatically organizing the rest of experience around
itself in a way that further supports the basic pattern.
In shifting identities MPDs experience uncommon dreams, in an intuitive,
if misbegotten, attempt at growth and change. Experience of alters
carries the aura of a ‘waking dream,’ where things appear real, but not
quite ‘right.’ The Consciousness Restructuring Process fosters this healing
attempt, rather than thwarting it. CRP facilitates inter-modal shifts
between not only identities, but sensations, perceptions, emotions, imagery
and behavior. Thus, it offers a ‘positive outlet’ for a process trying
to self-correct the organism, but allowing that process to flow beyond
the state of fragmentation to the fully undifferentiated experience for
healing, dissolving old ‘basins of attraction’ in the mindscape.
The psychophysical channels of both the limbic-hypothalamus system (seat
of reward/punishment circuits) and the placebo effect are invoked to account
for positive results.
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and the
Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
ABSTRACT: There are three main types of depressive disorders: major
depressive disorder, dysthymia, and the depressive lows of bipolar disorder.
While conventional treatment has been to freely dispense antidepressants
(SSRIs), an integrative approach would include psychosocial therapy to
focus on the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal issues behind depression.
For many individuals, SSRIs are contra-indicated due to a wide range of
side effects, some quite severe.
CRP offers a comprehensive psychoimmunotherapy, which can alter mood in
a positive direction, restore interest or pleaure in daily activities,
promote healthy sleep patterns, restore energy reserves, transform feelings
of worthlessness or guilt, foster pro-active decisions, calm restlessness,
and ameliorate recurrent thoughts of death or morbidity. In CRP,
the value of the depressive state is acknowledged and honored.
Rather than medicating it away, CRP facilitates the the depressive process
and allows it to cycle through. Biological disturbances lead
to a complex, dynamic interlocking group of psychophysical changes which
depress the well-being and functionality of the individual until the call
to restructure consciousness is heeded. By going deeper into the
process and allowing imagery of death, for example, to play out to its
natural conclusion in rebirth, CRP fosters restructuring at the genetic,
cellular, biochemical, and psychoneuroimmunological levels.
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and the
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
ABSTRACT: Posttraumatic stress is a disorder, and disorder implies
automatically a chaotic state of being. The sorts of trauma that
tend to induce PTSD include combat trauma, crimes, rape, grief, kidnapping,
natural disasters, accidents, torture, and imprisonment. Predisposition
to dissociation can arise in violent family environments. Those with
PTSD become hypervigilant and hyperreactive to environmental threat.
The traumatic syndrome is ever present and unchanged. Emotionally,
it is as if it keeps on happening. State-related learning and memory
encoding help maintain the trance-like steady state. Depression,
shame, anxiety, subtance abuse, and survivor guilt are complications.
The nucleus of the disorder is a physioneurosis, somatization, depersonalization,
and dissociation. Psychosomatic symptoms are expressions of the dissociation.
Therapy proceeds by facilitating information transduction between them.
There is poor impulse control and explosive aggressive reactions.
There are persistent and profound alterations in stress hormone secretions
and immune function. Integration of traumatic memories proceeds by
verbal and nonverbal means in therapy.
Time does not heal all wounds. Different treatments are needed
at different stages of posttraumatic adaptation. CRP offers a way
of restructuring the frozen structure of this disorder at the most fundamental
level, in the sensory terms in which it is encoded.
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and the
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
ABSTRACT: CRP addresses this psychobiological disorder in terms of
non-linear dynamics instead of as a battle of opposing states. Using
Ernest Rossi’s Dream-Protein Hypothesis, a theory of this disease process
is developed which accounts for much of its phenomenology. It examines
the complex dynamics of learning and memory, which lead to greater creativity,
stability, and healing in therapy.
Bipolar disorder consists of dramatic mood changes, characterized by irrational
shifts in behavior and temperament. It used to be called manic depression,
because of the alternating between normal, manic and depressive states.
Rather than far poles of a linear oscillation, this effect is revisioned
as related states of one primary attractor which accounts for them all.
Bipolars experience both behavior and mood disorders, rooted in a
runaway feedback loop modulating highs and lows. This disease is
akin to a Hydra, the multiheaded monster from Greek mythology. It
is a virulent disorder with multiple faces, making diagnosis difficult.
Bipolars experience dramatic changes in sleeping patterns, eating habits,
may drink excessively or suddenly begin to abuse drugs. Excessive
activity, spending sprees, reckless driving, foolish business investments,
infidelity, etc. can create problems. Moods and behavior are as changeable
as weather’s unfolding divergence.
This mood disorder disrupts normal emotional states, such as happiness
or sadness. On the down side it includes depression, passivity, lethargy,
fatigue, and at the extreme, delusions, hallucinations, and thoughts of
suicide. The elated pole includes wildly racing thoughts, expansiveness,
agitation, restlessness, excitement, irritability, grandiosity, hyperactivity,
and again, when severe, delusions, and hallucinations which repeatedly
sweep over the person, altering normal personality. CRP helps ameliorate
swings, reducing need for medication.
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and the
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
ABSTRACT: The Consciousness Restructuring Process can be used in
an integrative treatment of ADD in both children and adults. ADD
is a developmental disorder characterized by distractability, impulsive
behavior, and the inability to remain focused on tasks or activities, without
or with (ADHD) hyperactivity. Although the exact cause of ADHD is
not known, an imbalance of certain neurotransmiters, the chemicals in the
brain that transmit messages between nerve cells, is believed to be the
mechanism behind symptoms. CRP goes deeper than behavioral, or cognitive
behavioral therapy, and includes family therapy, neurofeedback, and proper
nutrition in its integrative approach.
Adults who had ADD as children still carry some of the patterns of the
disease, as well as residuals from years of treatment with stimulants,
tricyclics, or other antidepressants, and psychological fallout.
They benefit from CRP therapy as much as children in whom symptoms are
amplified. Many children with ADHD receive neither behavioral training
nor careful dose calibrations for the stimulants physicians prescribe,
especially though community sources. About two-thirds of children
do well enough to stay off medication with behavioral treatment alone.
Psychosocial interventions like CRP, especially combined with neurofeedback,
can profoundly affect ADHD even if a genetic predisposition is involved.
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and the
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
ABSTRACT: There are basic human drives toward sexuality, death, and
a general evolutionary healing growth force. They are respectively
eros, thanatos, and physis. The inwardly directed force of physis
is a healing power that can be invoked through CRP even in the face of
life-threatening disease. In fact, physis is the counterpoint to
disease, a generalized creative drive toward health. Crisis may precipitate
enhanced opportunities for the recognition and manifestation of physis;
opportunities for massive reorganization along lines that are developmentally
healthier and creatively more productive and healing. This creates
more flexibility and resilience. In T.A. correlated script-free aspirations
are under the influence of physis. As people get closer and closer
to their true self or “First Nature” (which always involves a sense of
somatic and organismic integrity), they connect more profoundly with an
inner healing and actualizing drive. CRP journeys enhance awareness
of the spiritual, transpersonal, or transcendent dimension of our endeavors.
Dreamhealing journeys provide the proper ambiance for clients’ self-discovery
of healing physis within themselves. In this process the life-force
is kindled, facilitating healing and self-realization.
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